- Conduct meetings, Seminars, Conferences and Interactions with leading Business Leaders and Bureaucrats for better and smooth transactions of a business.
- Conduct “Business Development” and “Special Skills Development” programmes.
- Lead International Business Delegations to leading Global business locations.
- Present following Awards, “Life Time Achievement”, “Visionary Industrialist”, “Industry Man of the Year”, “Best Manager” and “Best Export Performance” to deserving members to motivate them. FII TMA also serves its Corporate Social responsibility by conferring a “Citizen Extra Ordinaire” award to deserving Citizens who have been performing exceptional services towards the society.
- Publish Newsletter titled “FII-TMA Chronicle” every quarter to spread awareness about business relevant topics. Through our “FII-TMA CHRONICLE” we keep our members informed about legislation, notifications and important decisions, passed and/or issued by the Central and State Governments, Municipal Corporations and other Public bodies on matters such as Company Law, Direct and indirect taxes, Import and Export Trade Control, GST, Customs, Pollution, Industrial Relations etc.